Book Clubs

Iris would be delighted to speak at your book group or organization on Cape Cod, in the metropolitan Boston area, or remotely. Please contact her at  

Questions for book groups:

  1. When we first meet Liza, what are your thoughts about her staying with Barry so long?
  2. How do you view her transformation both physically and mentally the longer she stays  away from her abuser?
  3. What do you know about bullying and intergenerational families of domestic violence?
  4. How did Liza’s community of allies help her when she was faced with Barry’s appearance on Cape Cod?
  5. What do you know about allies and their role in bullying prevention?
  6. Was Liza a victim throughout her whole life?
  7. What were the ways Barry controlled her during their marriage?
  8. What role does Jeff play in Liza’s transformation to a woman with good self-esteem?
  9. How did Liza form relationships with others in her life to begin to trust again?
  10. Do you see a parallel between Barry, Mrs. Woods, and others in authority and the way Liza behaves?
  11. When Liza was confronted with Barry’s vulnerability, and ultimately his life, she has to make a split second decision to save him or not. What would you do and why?
  12. How did Liza handle the situation with her son Sam? Do you agree with her decision?
  13. How did this book make you feel?
  14. Was the ending a surprise? 
  15. Who were the characters you felt most connected to and why?